Monday, August 30, 2010

Ready or Not

*Random Thought of the Day: Today's random thought is about Emma Smith. I love Emma Smith! I want to meet her someday! She was one amazing woman! I think about the trials I have gone through and am going through, and then I think of her. She "weathered every storm with a queen's grace". She lost many of her children, and finally her husband Joseph. Many people have had hardships similar, but she just handled it to the best of her ability, as she stood by her husbands side. I hope to have the strength Emma Smith had in all my days!Ready or not....BYU-Idaho is calling my name! I leave Saturday morning, early, to first go spend a couple of days in Provo. I'm way excited for that because I get to hang out with my cousins Andrea, Levi and Samantha! So happy! Girls night with Andrea and Samantha is definantly on the list! I'll probably catch up with some old friends up there as well! I'm thrilled!
On Sunday, mom and Duane will drive up to Provo, stay with some cousins, and then we will follow each other up to Rexburg!
Ah...I just can't believe Summer is practically over. Its been a REALLY LONG SUMMER, but SO quick at the same time. I know thats contradictry, but hey, its what I do. I cant even SPELL contradictory? contradictary? contractidery?
ANYWAY....currently, this is what my room looks like....... As circled, I have to step OVER boxes and stuff to get to closet or through my door:)
Oh well. This is just what happens. My life is often like this MESS of boxes:)
Well, here's the point of this blog post.
I want to list some things that I learned this summer. Maybe some won't make sense to my readers, but well, here goes anyway!
*I have learned to become a professional diaper changer. Yeah.
*Most people, after working at a daycare for so long, really don't want kids of their own. Well, I want kids even more now. I always gotta be the opposite one:)*I have learned that I need to be more open minded about things.
*I learned more about non-lds members lives, and the uniqueness of them, and what good people they are. Not that I didnt' think that before, I just saw the "opposite" life up close and personal.
*I learned, and am still learning, that I shouldnt care so much what people think.
*I learned the true power and strength of the Atonement and the mercy of God, even when I didnt fell I deserved his mercy.
These are just a few lessons I learned. I'm sure I learned a couple more, but I'm still thinking it through:)
As I always say, "Learn while you live, love what you learn."I wondered why I was coming to New Mexico for the summer. All I knew is that there were better jobs here and I'd have a little more space living with my dad(mostly). But now I know that I really had some things to learn. Some lessons harder than others, but worth learning.
I hope that all of you reading this, can remember to..." learn to learn from your learning experiences!" :) Yeah. I just made that quote up.
Well, wish me luck as I venture out for this last week of summer!
I'll blog again once I get to Idaho!
TTFN! I had to take advantage of the sunflowers and my camera!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mixed Up cRaZy Summer!

*Random Thought of the Day: Sunflowers. The new theme of my blog. I LOVE sunflower season with a passion! They are one of my favorite flowers and just make me want to share the sunshine of my life! The End.*

Ok Ok. I know you've all been wondering if i've become a facebook junkie now instead of a natural blogger, but guess what-I'm not! I love FB, but I just havent had anything exciting to blog about this past month or so. But now its definantly time for an update!
I've been working, working, sleeping some, eating, and working so so much this whole summer! Ah! Can't believe how fast it's gone by already. I am putting in my 2 weeks notice at both my jobs this coming week. Wierd. Its been quite an interesting summer.
I've really gotten attached to my kids at the daycare. Particularly the babies, and 1 yr olds-which is where I spend most of my time. I LOVE my babies!
This is me and my little redhead, Donika-for some "odd reason", I just bond well with this one:)It's nice when I have them all content in swings too!And when konked out like a drunken child, thats pretty funny too.I'll miss my kids when I leave!

Kmart is treating me well. I mildly enjoy it lol. They have even trained me a little bit in customer service-woot!
As Labor Day weekend approaches, I will then leave for Idaho! Wow. I'm really pretty excited to start my life there! I'm not entirely ready for summer to end, but it will be good to get up there and get settled.This wknd, I have had the opportunity to be in Arizona! Its been AWESOME! I started the wknd in Thatcher...yay! I arrived Friday afternoon and was at Emily and Dereks-where I stayed. I went and visited a lady from my ward down there, then...met up with my best boys! Stephen and Jason! Woohoo! Stephen just got home from his mission so I hadnt seen him yet. Pretty much, I was with them for the rest of the day and night! Ok so they kinda drove me crazy but they are boys.... It was amazing...see pictures:)Saturday consisted of a baby shower for Emily! See more pics on Facebook! She's due with her baby boy in a few weeks!

I visited more friends and went to my friend Adri's wedding reception Saturday night.
Today I got to come up to Show Low to see my family, and also went to 1st ward-which i was in from age 11 to when I graduated! So I got to see alot of old friends and such! Good times! Its been a really great break having the weekend off. Now i just get to make it the next few weeks of summer, and move to Idaho! Woot!
And that my friends, is the recent story of my life!
Have a great week! Word....

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