Sunday, April 25, 2010

Taking Time: To enjoy every last moment

*Random Thought of the Day:
#1: Trip to New York City-a few hundred $$$$.

#2: I LOVE this dress-$38

#3: God's creations-PRICELESS.

The End.*

18 days til graduation, now including weekends, and 19 days til I move away! That many days, and so far, 2 boxes packed. Basically, I got extremely sick of some of my clutter and decided to go threw and downsize/de-clutter and put some things in boxes. I AM EXTREMELY OCD about clutter. Which is going to be interesting since within the next couple of weeks, my room will seem to re-clutter itself as I pack and try to keep organized with my school work. Today, I got yet another thing done and over with! For the past couple of months, I have been planning a special program for my ward Sacrament Meeting and today it happened! There were 4 speakers and 4 musical numbers, all topic(d) around Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel. It went so great! I was so stressed about it-you all know me:) But everyone did awesome! I actually got to sing in a quartet for it as well. We sang an arrangement that I did, of Joseph Smith's First Prayer. That was one of the most stressful parts in preperation for this program, was getting that arrangement done, learned and performable, but I feel that it went well. The Spirit was really strong in the meeting today! I'm so greatful to those who participated in the program. The last couple of weeks have been the worst as far as being busy. Last Thursday, I was gone by 815 in the morning and except for a couple of 10 min stops at home during the day, I didn't get back home for good until 930 that night. Yeah-I'm THAT busy. I love it so much though because you wouldn't believe how fast time has gone by!

Tonight, I will be graduating from Institute! Some of us from the A capella choir will also be singing at that graduation. Should be great! This week is the 30th Annual Spring Sing! And my final choir performances with Eastern Arizona College. It's the final of everything. And I feel like, though ridiculosly busy, I'm finally starting to enjoy my final moments and final memories with friends here. Because it's all not going to last much longer. I'm searching constantly for more of my future, as I head into it. Wish me luck!

I hope you all have a really great week and that life brings you good dreams and happy memories. Cherish them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dream Story....Keep breathing!

*Random Thought of the Day: One day, Rachelle and Lady Gaga met on Mars, while discovering life. Rachelle said to Lady Gaga-"I live in a giant bucket." Lady Gaga responded, "Your mom!" And they skipped off into the sunset, living happily ever after.
The End.*
It's a beautiful day in....Thatcher! (HA! You thought I was going to say the neighborhood your face!)
Well, it is a beautiful day and there have been many beautiful days lately. If there's one thing I really like about Thatcher is the weather during the Spring. It's perfect and puts me in a better motivated mood believe it or not. It also lifts my flirting level up...but we don't have to talk about that:)

This week was really great. Mostly because I accomplished basically everything I wanted to. SHOCKING, I know. My biggest accomplishment was, finally finishing a real arrangement. In 2 weeks, my ward's sacrament meeting will be centered around Joseph Smith and the Restoration. I've been planning this special program for months. We will have 4 speakers speak on 4 different topics around the main topics and 4 special musical numbers. One of those numbers I will be part of because the song I arranged is a 4 part version of "Joseph Smith's First Prayer." So, me and 3 others will sing that as part of the program. I'm really excited about it and everything is coming together nicely.
It certainly is crunch time. Between, homework, practicing, concerts, recitals, english papers, planning my roommates bridal shower, etc etc etc, I really don't get home til between 330 and 5 everyday, leaving between 8 and 930 in the mornings. But I love that time is goin by so fast. 24 school days and 576 hours(more or less) until graduation. 3 weeks til I start packing. 5 weeks til finals. A few days til my recital. The list goes slightly on. Blah!

I had the opportunity twice to see EAC's musical on Thurs and Fri. Yes this was the one I tried out for in January-The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It was a really funny play and they did a great job with it!
Yesterday, I accomplished for the 3rd time-bread! 5 loaves this time in fact! I'm pretty sure that this skill I'm learning, will attract more boys at BYU-Idaho. I'm bound to find a husband that way. haha.
Well, I don't have nothin much to say. More is BOUND to happen this week or the next. Until then. TTFNNNNNN.......singing out. No pun intended.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"A New Life in the Distance"

*Random thought of the Day: from Oscar Wilde's, The Importance of Being Ernest, "Girls never marry the men they flirt with. Girls don't think it right." Why this quote? It just made me laugh a lot because I think I am that kind of girl right now. I'm having so much fun flirting and having fun, which is why I'm not married or entirely ready to settle down yet. However, I just gotta keep flirting til I really catch a guys attention that I really am interested in. The End.*

There was something I somehow forgot to mention in my last blog. I'm going to BYU-Idaho! Haha-how could I forget you ask? Well, I'm just forgetful and it was only a big deal at first I suppose:) It's for sure my plan now. I found out that I'll automatically be able to transfer right into the music program up there. So as of now, music is the plan. It feels right so I think it will all work out. I'm extremely excited to move to Idaho and see bigger and better things! I'll move up the beggining of September-just a week before school starts! More details to come!School has gotten busier than ever. No, for reals this time. I'm constantly working on my music projects, homework, test studying, english work, preparing for a special Joseph Smith/Restoration sacrament meeting in just 3 weeks, preparing Jessie's bridal shower in a few weeks, preparing for recitals, concerts. Yeah. It's crazy. Roughly 30 school days until graduation. I KNOW! A music major friend and I were working on theory homework the other day, and she asked, "Rachelle, why do we do this to ourselves?" She and other music majors are busier than I am, which is saying something. I do wonder why I do this. Others often wonder why I do this. Little do they understand, I wouldnt' do this music major thing and being busy, if I didn't love it. I may not be the smartest or strongest music major, but I love what I learn and what I can accomplish. Feeling accomplished is a great feeling-not as a pride thing, but anyone I'm sure feels that way, especially if they can't always accomplish things. Now I'm just rambling:)

It is Easter Weekend! So Happy Easter to everyone! I've been able to spend the whole weekend with my family. I got a ride with a friend to Mesa on Friday evening and met the family at the temple. The temple looks so gorgeous this time of year, with all the flowers and such. I took the opportunity, of course, to pertain to my obsession of taking pictures of flowers. I've been told I should work for National Geographic:) I do certainly enjoy taking pictures of nature!We went to Cracker Barrel-which is delish! Also-after dinner, while looking around the gift shop in the resteraunt, this girl comes over by me and kinda stares at me for a minute. Me, not being too observant had to do a double take before I realized that it was one of my very good friends from high school, whom I am pretty sure I haven't seen since we graduated! Elisha Gibbs! I totally ran into her at the resteraunt. It had been forever since we talked too! So we stood there and caught up for a while. She works and will be attending school in Mesa. It was great!

After dinner, we drove to Sun City to stay the night with Duane's parents.
Saturday morning, we spent in Phoenix with Duane's family aka friends, doing a picnic and easter egg hunt for the kids. I also climbed a rock/cliff barefoot. Yeah-i'm just that cool;) It was a gorgeous day! After some time at the park, we headed up the mountain to Show Low. We took a stop in Payson, where I met up with another friend(this time on purpose)-Ian Harvey. He used to live in Show Low and teaches school in Payson. It was good to see him too. Last night, we just hung out and watched Sherlock Holmes. It's such a great and clever movie! If you haven't seen it-do!

This weekend was also of course General Conference. For those of you that watched-I hope you enjoyed the talks! I certainly did. Unfortunantly with traveling, we missed Saturday's sessions, which is ok since they come online and in next month's ensign! But I really enjoyed all that was said on Sunday. I hate to play favorites, but I just always always enjoy Richard G. Scott. He is just so excellent! Something he said today was touching to me. "Be sure to make every decision made, with the thought of 'what would the Savior have me do?'" It seems so simple, but can help in any type of decision made. I feel its something I can work on remembering more.

I also felt power and strength as President Thomas S. Monson spoke. He knows the truth of the Gospel and hearing him teach with the spirit, strengthens my spirit and my testimony. I feel his love each and every member of this church. He asked that we "Look to the Lighthouse of the Lord...It signals and never fails." I know this to be true if we do look for the Lord and his light at all times in our life.

It's been a great weekend. And relaxing! Much needed. And I go back this evening to continue on with the last 30 school days til graduation! WOOT! I hope all is well with everyone. TTFN!

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