Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thoughts of the future

*Random Thought of the Day: I gotta say. If there were just one thing on my list of what i'll miss when I leave the Gila Valley, it is sights like this. It's worth getting up early in the morning just to see Mount Grahm! It's GORGEOUS with snow on it! Makes me happy! The End.*
Well, its been a nutso crazy couple of weeks! 500 hours of practicing! Ok....not that much-but enough to get BOTH my auditions DONE! Woohoo! Wish me luck and I appreciate your prayers! I really want to get into the music program at BYU Idaho. My plan however, if I don't get in, is to go up there anyway and try again, while continuing on with school-but things are still a little up in the air for now. Sadly, I did not recieve a part in the spring musical, but I got over it very quickly. I'm a little dissapointed, but I figure-everything happens for a reason. Or in this case, probably several reasons. My audition went well though and I did my best. And it's not like I can be mad at the director...since she is my voice and piano teacher(:
Life goes on-and it will because I have an extremely busy semester as is. It's been really great so far! I'm trying to have fun with everything, but stay motivated at the same time. Here's some pictures of some fun things I've done!

My friend Jessica had a birthday party on Saturday-she's the one-second one in on top of the couch above me(: This pic is me and 3 of my wonderful redhead friends! I just love having friends with red hair-they are the coolest!

We played "Catch A Phrase", which I kind of suck at(: Later that night, we also watched "Moulin Rouge"! Good movie!

Crystal, Me, Jess, Tessa-I hang out with them pretty much every day!

Last Friday, we had a NEON/GLOWSTICK Dance! It was so much fun! Me and my girls went all out and found 12 glowsticks for a buck at the dollar store! Yay! We danced the night away!

I've had some great times! Tuesdays and Thursdays continue to kill me, as I am in classes from 9-3 straight-which means I eat lunch during my 1:00 Institute class, or as I go from class to class I snack. Though I wake up a little grouchy on tuesdays especially since I also have to wear a dress for devotional, and knowing it will be a busy day, I am managing and doin my best! Life really is great. I recieved a blessing last week from a bishopric member to help me start off what is yet to be my all time busiest semester. I feel very much at peace, and I've changed my attitude around a little bit and am bound and determined to do well this semester. I'm going to leave EA with a bang!

Well-just thought I'd write a quick update! Hope you all are having a wonderful week!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lost in my Own Life

*Random thought of the Day: This picture is me. Or so it will be as this semester starts. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok. The End.*
Um. Ok. Back in School. New Semester. Last Semester. New Roommates. The busiest semester ever-No I really mean it this time. New classes-mostly. New changes. New adjustments. The list could go on but has no reason to. So, I predicted and planned that I would be busy this semester. Problem is-it all hit me today, due to me always looking the the big picture first, just HOW busy I will be. Let me give you a rundown. And for those of you who have heard this rundown-forgive me. First of all, my music classes suddenly became more hardcore. Must be a last level thing. Not neccisarily the work, but the workload. By the end of the semester, I will have written an arrangement for theory, and theme and variations for piano, and prepared and conducted a part of a choir song for my Elements of Conducting class. Among that, I will have somehow managed to also keep with all the other assignments, quizzes, and tests in those classes. I will also have hopefully managed to get just enough practice time in for voice lessons. Oh and did I mention-I now have to take some time outside of class to practice for my piano class? I'm not yelling. Oh I'm also taking English Literature which just so happens to be my intensive writing course, so I'll be putting some focus and work into that. At least it's my last general! Not to also mention, I'm still auditioning for the spring musical "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" next week. I know I know what you all are thinking-I'm Extremely Crazy!! Don't judge me. Ok, so I really don't know how the play auditions will turn out. I may get a small part and decide its not worth my time-I really don't mean to sound selfish, but if i'm in this show, I want to be IN it. Nonetheless, whether I'm in it or not, I'll be busy. It's really going to be intesting. At least for now-I will have my BYU Idaho and Utah State audition DVDs sent of by about the end of next week so then all I have to worry about is getting into the music programs-mainly BYU because that's where I want to go the most. I also do need to prepare for my NAU audition which will hopefully be taking place in February-thats still up in the air too. So, here I go with a deep breath. My best friend Emily said that if I can see myself handling things and doing well and not stressing too much, then I can do it! "If you can conceive it, you can achieve it!" Thanks Ema(: That is all.

Ok, that's not all. I had an extremely AWESOME choir trip last weekend when I got back to Thatcher! We had the amazing opportunity to sing at the AMEA Convention.(Arizona Music Educators Association). First we had a public performance at a Mesa Stake Center on Fri, the 8th. Then we had sang in this amazing methodist church on Saturday morning! See pictures!
Me and the BEAUTIFUL Celeste!(:

Taylor and Dakota found matching shirts that said "FREE HUGS" and went around giving everyone in choir well, free hugs of course! What a couple of funnies(:

We fit like 8 people in Tiffany's car to go get frozen yogurt(: Here's Me, Shauna, Aaron and Mitch

Me and my wonderful roommies at the hotel! Shauna, Audra and Celeste

Oh and this last pic is not from my choir trip obviously-Dad and Anne came for a visit New Year's Weekend! I love them!
Well-I hope you all are having a wonderful week and the weekend is about to start! Yay! TTFN!

Soundtrack to My Life

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