Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer slowly fading....change of eating style!

*Random thought of the day: SKIP!
Hey fellow bloggers/those who read my blog:
You know, me keeping up with my blog, is like a male or female member of the church trying to accomplish visiting or home teaching by the end of the month. Obviously. It's the 31st. Just sayin.
Well let's see what's been happening in my life...its hard to say because I can't keep track of my own life sometimes. :)
I continue to be a summer workaholic. This is going to be me someday.I THOUGHT things were about to slow down but why would they? It's Rachelle's Life. :p I'm continuing my job at the movie theater a few days a week and teaching my 4 piano students. My summer camp at Torreon Golf Club is in its last week, but turns out my boss there needs to keep me around for a couple more weeks, just working at the family center. This is great because I certainly need the money. It's not great, because I'm sick of working at Torreon. :) But really, I NEED THE MONEY! Also, I've had the opportunity the last few weekends to babysitt for a family in Torreon so basically I can sometimes make more money with them than a few hour shift at the theater. Please and Thank-You! So, with all this work still keeping me going, I'm down to 39 days until my return to BYU-Idaho and I can hardly wait!!!
I had some changes occur this past week medically/health concerned. Some of you know that I am hypoglycemic.(for those that that is a big word-its the opposite of diabetes-meaning low blood sugar). I've been this way for years, but in this past year, things have gotten a little worse, and even more so this summer. My blood sugar has been way more up and down than it should be. This has caused anxiety attacks, along with my usual headaches and stomachaches. Not good. So, after a trip to my doctor, she laid down the law telling me it was time to take control and change my eating habits. No more sugar, (no candybars for a snack, etc) High protein foods are a must, continue my working out, and eating every couple of hours, 5 or 6 times a day. The last one is a definate new thing for me, seeing as, I don't like to eat a lot! But, so far, i'm doing well with it and though I am hungry ALL day, and I'm still working on overcoming sugar cravings, I'm starting to feel better. I know this new habit and control is going to work and I will be blessed for taking care of myself. I go in for a gluclose blood test(HATE needles)tomorrow just to check my levels. Ready....GO!Here's some pics from this month. I took a quick trip to Mesa to visit with my sister and her kids and my brother Brandon. Also went to a good friend's mission farewell-Adam went to the London England mission!
Ethan, Nolan, Lexi,Me. Anthony didn't want to be in the picture :p

Me and Lexi-we were both wearing purple:)
So thats' my life as of lately. Next time I blog, I may possibly be back in Idaho! woot! TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos you posted, Rachelle! Sorry about the change-of-diet thing. Actually it WILL make you healthier, but to be forced into it because of the low blood sugar is a bummer. Happy week ahead! (P.S. I like the background of your blog. It's awesome.)


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