Sunday, October 9, 2011

Control...lack there of.

*Random Thought of the Day: "The scriptures are a type of handbook for those who have faith in His plan of happiness and in Jesus Christ."-Richard G. Scott. I absoutely know this is true. I would be no where in my life, without the guidance of the scriptures. The End.*
Ok so my title. Control...lack there of. This is my life. thats a little depressing. Really, I have control of my life, but I absolutely don't feel like it sometimes! My schedule is SO busy!!!! So busy, I'm starting to pray to find time to just sit down and practice guitar because I can't find time to do so. It's nice to have something so relaxing in my life.
Taking 17 credits and working 16-17 hours a week at BYU-I, is hard by the way. Though I do get to do homework at work a lot, there are still things I have to accomplish workwise; phone calls to answer, copies to make, children to make happy when they wet their pants, and not to mention---money to make :) The preschool department loves trying to run my life and could care less that I just failed my first accounting test and need to put more time into it as well, which could possibly lead to no dating or social life :)
WOAH----ok, I'm done with the negativity. For one thing, I REFUSE to not have a social life. I went on two dates this weekend and went dancing with my roommates-and it was nice to actually get out and have some fun. Needless to say, weekends are a joyous event. All day usually conisists of homework and accounting tutoring, but I find time to have fun and live the true college life!
For another thing, I also refuse to give up on any of my classes because somehow, I'll make it through the stressful parts. Even when just the thought of accounting is stressful :) God is watching out for me, and I'm realizing it more and more lately---what a GREAT feeling!
I hope everyone who was able to watch General Conference last weekend, enjoyed it! I had the opportunity to attend live :) I went down with a couple of friends to Salt Lake. We were able to get into the Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Morning sessions and watched the others on temple square. It was so good! I was truly touched and heard just what I needed to! I'm so very greatful for a worthy Prophet and worthy apostles and general authorities! They are truly called of God.
Really, things are going good. BYUI is just such a wonderful experience! My roommates and my friends are wonderful! My preschool children are wonderful! My ward is wonderful! They decided to give me not one, but two callings this semester---only because they are "small". I'm a ward talent representative-I'll be putting together a talent show this semester for the ward! I'm also a family history coordinator/rep. (not sure the actual title). This one will be interesting because I'll be teaching my FHE group how to index and the importance of Family History---which I have yet to fully realized :) So this will be good for me.
Life is good and so is frozen yogurt.
Have a great week! Check out pics below of my life!
Making bread in my new apron that my BFF Emily made for me!!!!
This is not very clear, but yes, I saw David Osmond in concert-he is very much so Donny Osmond's nephew and is SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!
Me and Anthony at the concert!
Yes-Rexburg got snow. It is October.

Soundtrack to My Life

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