Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rainy Nights and a life of [insert word here]

*Random thought of the day: "Being Happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look upon the imperfections." This is my quote for the week, that I'm going to try and remember. I need to remember it because its truly the only way I can carry on through my life, no matter how tough things might get sometimes. The End.* In the words of my roommate Katie, "OH Life...." Basically that can sum it all up believe it or not. I have been annoyingly busy. So much that I finally really stressed out for the first time this semester. I know-good thing I waited til mid semester right? Well, I just had a little breakdown this weekend, due to everything piling up, having the emotions of a girl, and totally losing control of my prioritization skills. Happens right? Of course right! But hey, I got a little help from a wonderful Priesthood blessing tonight, and I'm thinkin I'm gonna be ok:) My classes are just crazy as usual. I love the things I'm learning though, and really trying hard to do well and focus. And work. Ah good ol' Kmart....I continue to work part time there-often consisting of closing one night and opening the very next. And mostly weekends, but I still get much of my weekends free to play. I mean homework...and clean and do laundry....BA! Yeah right. Only sometimes! Well anyway, lets get to the gist of some of the "fun" stuff i've been involving myself in...Yes. I'm wearing flip flops and my winter jacket. I can't stay away from the flip flops!!!!!!!!! Its an addiction.... What you see before your eyes above, is probably not what you think it is.....yeah. We had a shaving cream fight for Family home evening. We rule.These are from a date me and Laine went on...with two boys...not each other:) We went to a creepy haunted straw maze. ah....good times...though scary! Guitars unplugged-show at BYUI of different bands...some good, some bad-good times though with my friend Anthony!Well besides having a grand ol time at BYUI......I carry on doing nothing else and trying to make it alive through this semester! Have a GREAT week everyone! TTFN!


  1. i aM sO gLaD you are HaVing fUN at byuI. i LOVE and mISS you. :)

  2. Nice to get an update, AND photos too--BONUS! The shaving cream fight looks like a lot of fun. Hang in there, you're awesome. :)


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