Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reasoning with my Life in General...

*Random Thought of the Day: "If you work hard, you'll be happy. If you don't, you'll go to Hell."- Brigham Young. Well said Brigham! A little to the extreme, but point made. The End."

Well all you people who just love reading my blog. Update you say? Here it is!
I've been having the time of my life at BYUI! Ok, so i'm in over my head with my crazy schedule, but I'm hangin classes are crazy. I'm writing a paper one day, taking a test the next, and practicing one hour, and studying the next. It's nuts...oh and of course working 2-3 days a wk for a least a few hours a shift. But, I have managed to keep a social life, involving my sport of raquetball and keeping up with my awesome tv shows! Ah... I don't know how I do it all.
Here's some of my latest adventures......
First of all, I got to hold and see my very first Idaho Potato...big ones too!
Yeah. I know right? They tasted delish! Now, you can all call me potato girl.

Other to go to conference last weekend which was excellent! I really truly love Salt Lake City...minus the getting lost part, which, always seems to happen....but hey-it was fun hanging out with my cousins-Sheree and Brent and of course Aunt Kathi and Uncle Ray and the rest of their fam!Girls night during priesthood wont even explain....:)

I also loved being on Temple Square! Its truly one of my favorite places to be!
Something really exciting that happened Saturday Night.....while in the Joseph Smith building hanging out with my friend Reed, we were on the top floor and were getting ready to go back down the elevator when someone very special came walking down the hallway......
I'm serious. Neil A. Anderson, from the quorum of the 12 apostles was in the JS Building. He was with his son and a couple of other people and Reed and I recognized him right away. We shook his hand, introduced ourselves, and then rode the elevator down with him, having a short conversation. SO awesome! I recently made a bucket list, and on that list was "meet and have a conversation with an Apostle." SCORE! It made my whole weekend! And its something I wont forget!
It was a really fun weekend and we got to go to the Saturday Afternoon Session live. I also ran to some old friends from EA around temple square! It was awesome! Good times.....
Well, nothing too much else is happening. I'm loving it here and doing my best! Hope you all are great! TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. so are you engaged?;) or are you just trying to avoid having guys ask you out for some crazy reason? I just noticed a ring on your finger:) Anywho, you look very happy there in Idaho. We have been highly considering going there for my nursing school. I will be applying soon. You made an appearance in one of my dreams about a week or so ago.....crazy!. Well I hope you keep doing what you're doing cuz you deserve to always be extremely happy. Ciao!


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