Saturday, February 6, 2010

What If...I were a child again

*Random thought of the day: Here are some "What-If's" for you.[explained why later]
~What If...The world ran out of peanut butter?
A: Then Ice Cream Wouldn't Be as good
~What if... the llama never danced?
A:Then life would make sense again
~What walked sideways down the streets?
A: Women would know what is wrong with them
OR A2: The Cardinals would win the super bowl on Sunday
~What if...everytime I sneezed, people got engaged?
A: It would be interesting because then chickens would start to talk
WHAT IF.....
The End.*
Why in the WORLD would I come up with some random what if's and their answers? Well-I didn't come up with all of them. This was a fun little game I played on a date last night-along with some other fun shinnangins! There were 16 of us on this big group date. The boys made us breakfast for dinner-yum! And then we went outside and played "Kick the Ball"-subsituted for "Kick the Can". Only one round-then we decided "Sardines" would be fun. Ok so, we didn't look like these puppies neccisarily-maybe when we were all hidden behind the log pile...but it was fun!

After some fun outside, we went inside and this is where the "What If" game came in. Basically-everyone writes a "what if" down on a piece of paper and throws it in the middle of everyone. Then you grab a random one and write down your answer to whatever question you get-then put it in the middle again. Then, as each person gets another new one, you go around the circle and read your question one at a time and the next person gives you the answer on their paper. Confusing? Well-its very hilarious-as you saw in my random thought. It really makes you wonder...What IF?

Now about last weekend....I sang Kareoke and thats all there is to it! Ok, so I also watched one of my new favorite movies-Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Ok-please let your kids watch this! It's soooo funny! Maybe I was watching it with the right the institute last Friday night, they had a PB&J party-Pillows Blankets and Jammies. And they also served peanut butter and jelly and popcorn and soda(: It was fantastic! Me and my friend Emily-my non-best friend Emily-sat together and then went to her house for games afterwards with a million people!As for the Kareoke....after the lame basketball game on Saturday-which isn't worth my time going anymore since EA keeps losing-there was a kareoke night at the activities center. I decided that I'd only done it once so me, Ashley and Crystal sang! We sang "Wide Open Spaces" by the Dixie Chicks! Haha why you may ask? Becuase I had a dream the night before that I tried out for American Idol and I sang that song. Oh-and my voice teacher and my choir director were the judges. Wierd. Anyway. So we sang and just had a grand time haha! We rock! Some of the other "performers" were entertaining as well I must say!So, besides my amazing party life(: School is quite crazy. All this week I have been composing an arrangement of "In Humility Our Savior" for my theory class. It's a big deal and a lot of hours have been put into it, due to the fact that its a "test" and a big part of my grade. But I like what I have been able to accomplish with it. If anyone wants to see a copy-let me know! I'll be completely finished with it by today. And there are more compositions to come as the semester goes on! Ah the joy of being a music major.

Basically-all my classes are going mostly well. I'm loving voice lessons this semester and choir as well. It's hard to believe sometimes that this is the end of my EAC days. Good things are happening this semester though. I'm just loving life a lot more and just having a really good time! I hope you all have a wonderful week to come! Don't do anything I wouldn't help you with!

LOL-Lots of Love! PS-It rained this week. Lots. I went through two pairs of jeans and shoes on the first day.

1 comment:

  1. "But WHAT IF THERE'S A TORNADO???" on the list of "excuses NOT to do chores..." Sounds like a very fun game.

    Also a fun movie, at least it LOOKED funny, we haven't seen the Cloudy w/a Chance of Meatballs yet. Whew! Nice Blog, could we make sense of the universe without you??!? :)


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