Sunday, October 9, 2011

Control...lack there of.

*Random Thought of the Day: "The scriptures are a type of handbook for those who have faith in His plan of happiness and in Jesus Christ."-Richard G. Scott. I absoutely know this is true. I would be no where in my life, without the guidance of the scriptures. The End.*
Ok so my title. Control...lack there of. This is my life. thats a little depressing. Really, I have control of my life, but I absolutely don't feel like it sometimes! My schedule is SO busy!!!! So busy, I'm starting to pray to find time to just sit down and practice guitar because I can't find time to do so. It's nice to have something so relaxing in my life.
Taking 17 credits and working 16-17 hours a week at BYU-I, is hard by the way. Though I do get to do homework at work a lot, there are still things I have to accomplish workwise; phone calls to answer, copies to make, children to make happy when they wet their pants, and not to mention---money to make :) The preschool department loves trying to run my life and could care less that I just failed my first accounting test and need to put more time into it as well, which could possibly lead to no dating or social life :)
WOAH----ok, I'm done with the negativity. For one thing, I REFUSE to not have a social life. I went on two dates this weekend and went dancing with my roommates-and it was nice to actually get out and have some fun. Needless to say, weekends are a joyous event. All day usually conisists of homework and accounting tutoring, but I find time to have fun and live the true college life!
For another thing, I also refuse to give up on any of my classes because somehow, I'll make it through the stressful parts. Even when just the thought of accounting is stressful :) God is watching out for me, and I'm realizing it more and more lately---what a GREAT feeling!
I hope everyone who was able to watch General Conference last weekend, enjoyed it! I had the opportunity to attend live :) I went down with a couple of friends to Salt Lake. We were able to get into the Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Morning sessions and watched the others on temple square. It was so good! I was truly touched and heard just what I needed to! I'm so very greatful for a worthy Prophet and worthy apostles and general authorities! They are truly called of God.
Really, things are going good. BYUI is just such a wonderful experience! My roommates and my friends are wonderful! My preschool children are wonderful! My ward is wonderful! They decided to give me not one, but two callings this semester---only because they are "small". I'm a ward talent representative-I'll be putting together a talent show this semester for the ward! I'm also a family history coordinator/rep. (not sure the actual title). This one will be interesting because I'll be teaching my FHE group how to index and the importance of Family History---which I have yet to fully realized :) So this will be good for me.
Life is good and so is frozen yogurt.
Have a great week! Check out pics below of my life!
Making bread in my new apron that my BFF Emily made for me!!!!
This is not very clear, but yes, I saw David Osmond in concert-he is very much so Donny Osmond's nephew and is SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!
Me and Anthony at the concert!
Yes-Rexburg got snow. It is October.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 home away from home!

*Random thought of the day: Confidence. In the dictionary, it says that confidence is: belief in oneself and one's powers and abilities; self confidence; self reliance; trustworthiness or reliability in a person or thing. Confidence. Something I should have more of...yet its all talk for me, depending on what the thing or situation is. I think all of us at one point or another lack confidence in either ourselves, someone or something else, or whatever. Someone once said, “Insecurity will always rent the space it occupies, but confidence will own the building, and any other room it steps in.” I suggest we all remember this and keep the best confidence in yourself you can have because it can cause great consequences, even in the smallest things! The End.*

REXBURG! It truly is my home away from home. I felt joy when I re-entered Rexburg and I could see the temple up on the hill and then drove into where my apartment was and saw the beautiful campus! It was quite overwhelming getting unpacked and moved in, etc. Super typical. But, I'm mostly settled and school starts tomorrow! I've gotten to see a few of my friends which is awesome! I'm getting along with my roommates so far too-they are all younger than me haha, but nice funny girls! I'm sure we will have a fun semester!

I'm starting this semester with 17 credits. bleh...but its probably going to be fine. Ok, i'm also auditioning for a a choir that rehearses twice a week that I really hope to get into and I'm working 19 hours a week at my on campus job. Not to mention...I have to make time to work out, go to the temple, do whatever calling in my ward if it requires extra time, and have a social life! ha! I know. You're probably all thinking I'm crazy...well that's because I am:) But don't judge me! Its normal!

I'm so grateful to be here again at BYU-Idaho. It truly is the best place and I just want everyone who's anyone to come here! I'm also grateful that I went home this summer. I feel truly blessed that I was able to earn almost over enough money to pay for my school and everything. I don't feel I always deserve those blessings, but the Lord must see that I'm doing SOMETHING right! :) It was good to spend some time with my family too, seeing as that was the last time I plan on living at home. Though I was a workaholic, it was still a nice break from schoolwork and now I get to make a switch again!

I hope all of you are doing well-i've posted pictures below of the beggining of this semester so far! Take care everyone!
New cut and highlights

My new room!
Yep-got to meet LDS singer/actor Kirby Heyborne 9/10/11-He performed a concert here and my cousin was running his show so I got to talk with him before! He's very talented!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer slowly fading....change of eating style!

*Random thought of the day: SKIP!
Hey fellow bloggers/those who read my blog:
You know, me keeping up with my blog, is like a male or female member of the church trying to accomplish visiting or home teaching by the end of the month. Obviously. It's the 31st. Just sayin.
Well let's see what's been happening in my life...its hard to say because I can't keep track of my own life sometimes. :)
I continue to be a summer workaholic. This is going to be me someday.I THOUGHT things were about to slow down but why would they? It's Rachelle's Life. :p I'm continuing my job at the movie theater a few days a week and teaching my 4 piano students. My summer camp at Torreon Golf Club is in its last week, but turns out my boss there needs to keep me around for a couple more weeks, just working at the family center. This is great because I certainly need the money. It's not great, because I'm sick of working at Torreon. :) But really, I NEED THE MONEY! Also, I've had the opportunity the last few weekends to babysitt for a family in Torreon so basically I can sometimes make more money with them than a few hour shift at the theater. Please and Thank-You! So, with all this work still keeping me going, I'm down to 39 days until my return to BYU-Idaho and I can hardly wait!!!
I had some changes occur this past week medically/health concerned. Some of you know that I am hypoglycemic.(for those that that is a big word-its the opposite of diabetes-meaning low blood sugar). I've been this way for years, but in this past year, things have gotten a little worse, and even more so this summer. My blood sugar has been way more up and down than it should be. This has caused anxiety attacks, along with my usual headaches and stomachaches. Not good. So, after a trip to my doctor, she laid down the law telling me it was time to take control and change my eating habits. No more sugar, (no candybars for a snack, etc) High protein foods are a must, continue my working out, and eating every couple of hours, 5 or 6 times a day. The last one is a definate new thing for me, seeing as, I don't like to eat a lot! But, so far, i'm doing well with it and though I am hungry ALL day, and I'm still working on overcoming sugar cravings, I'm starting to feel better. I know this new habit and control is going to work and I will be blessed for taking care of myself. I go in for a gluclose blood test(HATE needles)tomorrow just to check my levels. Ready....GO!Here's some pics from this month. I took a quick trip to Mesa to visit with my sister and her kids and my brother Brandon. Also went to a good friend's mission farewell-Adam went to the London England mission!
Ethan, Nolan, Lexi,Me. Anthony didn't want to be in the picture :p

Me and Lexi-we were both wearing purple:)
So thats' my life as of lately. Next time I blog, I may possibly be back in Idaho! woot! TTFN!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm a Firework gone crazy!

*Random thought of the blog: I've decided I actually enjoy being "girly". Random you say? Well you see, my thing is, I LOVE CASUAL. Give me my favorite jeans, an Aeropostale T-Shirt and some flip flops or Converse, and I'm super happy and in my comfort zone. (sadly my flip flops had to be "put away" once I moved to Idaho...) But, I decided I should not be SUPER casual, too much anymore. And that's all I have to say about that. The End.*

It's been a month since my last blog update, but a month at a time is all I can seem to do anymore. Even this summer. (not to mention that nothing exciting happens to me during my summers). I've been working 4, not 3, jobs. Yep-found that lucky 4th part-timer about a month ago! *Note to Readers: I'd highly appreciate you not calling me crazy and allowing me to explain the following. It ALL WORKS OUT FINE!!!!!! Yes, I sometimes don't get the sleep I want/need, but honestly, sleeping and I have had a love hate relationship for the last few months anyway so whatev.But anyway, I might as well stay used to a busy schedule since upon my BYU-I return, I will be starting all early classes and lots of HW to keep me awake at all hours. ACTUAL social life will occur once again! Savvy? (what can I say-i'm low on social skills this summer)
So allow me to mention my jobs officially. I have 4 1/2 piano students. Yes-4 1/2. Don't ask. I'm tutoring 2 middle school kids. I'm running the summer camp at Torreon Golf Club 3 times a week, and working a few nights at the movie theater that I worked at 2 summers ago. I mostly like the theater for the money and getting to see movies for free :)
I'm still continuing with every other week "Voice Coaching"! Learning lots and continuing my true passion!
So again, I stay pretty busy and am still hoping for a scholarship so all this hard earned money I'm making can go towards other important things!
It's been nice spending time with my family--hopefully they aren't too annoyed with me yet and can keep me for just another 2 months or so. )
I have gotten all registered for my Fall semester classes and must say-I'm pretty excited about it! I will be taking: Child 260-This is the next level up in my preschool lab and I'll be a lead teacher(class goes with it as well), Administrative Issues, Money Management(online), and....Jaws Theme song please....Accounting. :p I'm a little terrified of doing ANY kind of math, even if that will be "easy". But, I will conquer! Should be a thrilling semester and I'm counting down the days til' my return! (ahem...74....)
Well, thats the latest and I'm the greatest! ha-i'm a poet and I didn't know it! Have a super wonderful month everyone! Oh and-Happy Early 4th of July!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Making Ends Meet, and kicking the guy who moves the ends!

Its been said that, "About the time we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." This is the story of my life, and many other college students I'm sure.
With 3 part time summer jobs, one of which has not begun yet, I won't make enough money for school in the fall. How is this? Oh, you know, its just LIFE! Even if i'm short though, mom's a wonderful person and is willing to help out! Because come on people-I only have 3 semesters of college left! So in reality, I'm looking for yet a FOURTH part time job, while applying for scholarships left and right.
I'm just sayin......

In the meanwhile, I'm continuing to prepare for Torreon Kids Camp! (And not to mention, way ahead of the ball game). I also still have 4, soon to be 6, piano students. This is me teaching a piano student.
Maybe more if I'm lucky! I'll start tutoring a few elementary school students when school lets out in a couple weeks. Should be excellent and quite the experience.
While off and on filling out scholarships and applying for jobs I happen to find, I'm taking voice lessons! From an excellent teacher! Leslie Holladay! I grew up with her family-our moms are still great friends. She is a few years older than me but earned her "Opera Performance" degree at BYU so she's brilliant. Its been fun and totally worth the money I don't have:)
I'm also practicing the guitar as much as possible, and trying to get motivated to be in "composition mode" at the piano again. I have so much I could be doing that I haven't in about a year so its getting there and NOW is the time to do it! I need to take advantage of the music thats still left inside of me ya know? After all, who KNOWS when the next end of the world might be! :)
Well, I have nothing else to say. mkay. byeeee!

Monday, April 18, 2011

O.M.L.! Oh my life!

*Random Thought of the Day: Yep. [Back to random thoughts I am!] It's time to go into the deep thoughts of Rachelle.
I hate dreams. Ok, so I hate them lately. I don't get why we often dream about things we may or may not constantly be thinking about. Sigmund Freud's theory was this: "A dream represents an ongoing wish along with previous days activities." Simple right?...or is it...? :D Makes perfect sense. And explains why I keep dreaming that I'm getting married, or at least dating someone, ALMOST every night for the past couple of weeks. :p I'm not desperate to get married, don't worry. It will happen, but I blame the thoughts leading to dreams because of all the people I know that have recently gotten married or into serious relationships. Enough said. The End.*
The cake I want at my wedding...since I'm dreaming of marriage and stuff....
OH....MY....LIFE! Yes, I'm finally blogging. My life is out of control when I'm in Rexburg...apparently. I can't even blog about my wonderful life up there! Well, most of you know, I'm not in Rexburg now! Yep-I'm back in warm Arizona, where the sun actually shines, until September, when I will once again return to finish my last 3 semesters of school! Can you believe it? I graduate from college a year from July! Scary thought really.....

The rest of my semester was great! I just love love LOVE BYU-Idaho! Despite not wanting to go there in the first place, its the best decision I have made! I've had such a great experience up there and made some of the best friends! I can't wait to go back in a few months!

Meanwhile, I have by some miracle, found a job in Show Low! Well for starters, I'm teaching some piano lessons-4 students so far! But my other job, came out of no where basically! There is a golf club called Torreon here, where rich people from the Mesa/Phoenix are have their second homes and come up a lot in the summer. Well, they do a summer camp for the kids from June to August, 3 days a week. Basically, I've been put in charge of that! ha! The director literally hired me to put together the schedule for every week, and all the activities, based on the theme she chose for the summer. (This year's theme is "Route 66" due to Cars 2 coming to theatres:)So, even though the actual camp doesn't start until after Memorial Day, I still have my work cut out for me, which is great since I get paid to work from home for now! It's pretty great!

I'm also filling my time with things I WANT to do.....practicing guitar almost every day, writing songs(ok, TRYING to get in that mode again), watching movies, and getting other important things done of course! It's nice to finally relax and have fun at the same time. Though, I'm sure my family will be sick of me after a month or two:)

Life is good and so are sonic drinks. :) Have a great week everyone! See pics below from life in Rexburg, etc!
Super Tall Dallas

Cousin Sheree and Brett marry in the Bountiful Temple!
Katie's Bridal shower: old roommates reunite!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Day In The Life Of A Preschool Teacher

*Theme of the Blog: "It takes less time to do what is right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong."-Mark Twain
Its as simple as that. Always do whats right. Follow the Spirit because as long as you're in tune, you will know if you're about to, or are, doing something right. The End. *

I've recently discovered, that I have GOT to have some form of ADHD. But only a little, because otherwise I'd be in big trouble and would never be able to accomplish anything worth my time.
Speaking of time, and what its worth, my life continues to revolve around short people, around the ages of 3 and 4. For heaven's sake, I actually found myself cutting out postcards for the kids to decorate, while watching tv the other night. It's like I'm a real teacher or something ;) Oh and I spent an hour yesterday, on a 3 day weekend none the less, in the preschool workroom. Ahh my life! Its all going to be worth the work though. I'm learning so much and loving the kids more and more.
I'm continuing to teach Relief Society once a month and enjoying that. I'm definantly getting my practice in teaching! I'm pretty sure this is what I was born to do.

Despite my busy life, I'm maintaining an excellent social life! Dates, girls night out, yoga, raquetball.
1. Valentine's Dance-me and my date Brett, and my cousin Brent and his gf/my roommate, Brandi
This is me acting like a preschooler-yes, I licked the brownie bowl clean.
On Valentine's night, my friend Brett and his accapella group came and serenaded us-it made us real happy!
Good times! Well I hope you've enjoyed this edition of my simple thoughts and philosophies. Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Feeling like a mom, and learning to be social too!

*THEME OF THE BLOG: "He who avoids complaint, invites happiness."-Abu Bakr
I'm working on not complaining this year. That's not to say that I do it alot...but I do it enough. I find myself complaining about the small things. I tell myself that I complain about reasonable things, like any normal person, but I'm sure even those little complaints stopping sometimes, can make a huge difference in my life and the lives of those around me. So I challenge those reading this to do the same. If you find yourself complaining about something, small or big, ask yourself these questions-Is there anything I can do to change what I'm complaining about? is it REALLY a big deal? Will it matter tomorrow? or in 5 years? Invite happiness, by enjoying the little things, instead of complaining about them. The End. *

Hello fellow bloggers/readers of my blog! School is in session here in Iceburg, Idaho-at BYUIdo. Lucky me, I spent the first week and a half sick with a cold, causing me to be unsocial and slightly miserable. Especially when I had a choir audition, causing me to NOT make it into the choir because, well I didnt sound as good as I normally would-just my luck! ha, well maybe it wasn't meant to be. Well on the bright side(not that I was complaining or anything:)), I am now doing much better and went out with friends the last couple of nights!
School is keeping me super busy. My favorite parts of the week, are when I go to sleep at night, and I long await the weekends when I only work a little bit on at least one of those wknd days, and can then enjoy my time relaxing. I'm sure it will get even busier soon, as I am starting voice lessons next week as well. Should be excellent!

So despite loving sleep all the time, I am enjoying the things i'm learning in my classes-especially my preschool lab! We start having kids in the class this week! My staff/team is great! We have alot of great lesson plans and ideas! Its all legit-23 kids in the classroom, 6 on our staff, and lots of fun! I'm nervous and excited to start. There is SO much work to do for a preschool class-I kinda wish I was getting paid for this:) but thats ok because I'm learning tons for my future!

Nothing too exciting else is going on just yet. I practiced my bread making skills again on Friday and failed. ok. i didn't "fail". Its just that the bread didnt look right-still, I can't seem to let it rise enough. Its very edible but I want it to look full and like sandwhich bread. Any hints from anyone?!!? Practice I suppose. But I still feel like I'm not doin something right. I WILL get it right by the time I get married.

Thats all I gotta say this time round. Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Life and Stuff as No One will ever know!

*THEME OF THE BLOG: New blog idea-I'll choose a theme for each blog-having to do with my life at that time-i'll use a quote or word or something. Cool right? Yes I am! SO....this BLOG THEME is: Endurance. Someone once said, "Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is the one who endures that the final victory comes."
Oh how I, and many people do know, that endurance is SO hard sometimes. Easier said than done right? Well, thats the point of endurance. CAN you endure? Life rumbles and tumbles and throws you around, and sometimes makes you faceplant it hard. But if you don't trust your faith and the guidance of God, you won't have the strength you need. So endure with all you've got and life will make its turns where it needs to go and you will be able to ENDURE, in happiness.

And now for the remainder of my life in a nutshell.....where shall I begin? I really need to be better at blogging. Psh...yeah I have time.
Well anyway, Life has been crazy these past few weeks, what with finals and all. Well, I meant it when I said last time, that when it rains, it STORMS on me. After my car died, things seemed to continue to go down hill. I failed two of my THREE finals, causing me to get C's in those classes. One final I haven't the slightest idea how I failed and the other-total joke-which everyone in my class agreed with. Lame. Oh well. I'll still get in the celestial kingdom with C's. baha! Thats what they say at BYU-I anyway:) Oh good
So among all that, I am STILL figuring out what to do with this job thing. It's to the point of cutting my hours a little bit, just for the sake of getting to work, and I can't work too much with the 16 credits I'll be taking. I'm sure things will work out. Sigh....

Christmas this year was nice. I was very happy to have a week off from work, with 2 weeks off from school. We start school again next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to this semester and am ready to try new things and see how life turns the pages! Posted below, are pics from my little break in Show Low!
Me and my "nephew" Landen (Emily's baby)I LOVE this little boy! I wanted to keep him! The line of traffic in one of three accidents we saw while driving down to Mesa the day before coming back to Rexburg. Well hey-at least the sky looked cool!
Flying over the Grand Canyon!It is officially 2011. Wow. Thats' going to take some getting used to. After a rough end of this year, I'm looking forward to this year. I officially expect ups and downs as always, but I think I'm going to look at things a little differently. There are always things I know I can work on and even more that I can accomplish I'm sure.
4 lessons I've learned this year are as follows:
*There are strategies for every type of work you do.
*Relaxing, works wonders. I plan to try to do it more.
*"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Well, its a work in progress.
*Above all things, the Lord is always understanding and shows mercy and love, in all righteousness. We must live as the Lord would have us live, and he will guide us and strengthen us in all ways.
Have a wonderful new year of 2011 Everyone!

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