Saturday, May 1, 2010

Letting Go and Holding On

*Random Thought of' the Day: I'm too tired to think of one. Oh yeah. DON"T TEXT AND DRIVE! Just don't do it! I don't. I don't even drive since I don't have a car. But its' become a National problem and should be illegal in more states. So DON"T DO IT! The End.*

The Great Dr. Seuss once said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Ok, so the tears were almost uncontrollable this weekend. I had my final, and amazing, experience of taking part in the 30th Annual Spring Sing this weekend. It was AWESOME! All 3 performances were fantastic! I'm in a little bit of awe at the fact that it's already over and that I will never perform again in the Acapella choir at Eastern Arizona College. Thursday night, I cried at the end, but only a little. Friday, I didn't cry until I was talking to my mom about it after the show. And today, I cried through half of our final song, "Greatful", and when we circled the auditorium, with the alumni of the past 30 years joining us to sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You"(Acapella choir sings this every Friday at 12:45), I barely sang at all, unable to control the tears, knowing that that was the last time I will sing in that auditorium, with the choir and Dr. Bishop. So I cried because it was over, but I will always have a smile on my face whenever I talk about, or even think of, the experiences I have had with EA's music department.

It's been great being able to spend time with friends during the concerts. Grandma Kay and a friend came Thurs and took me dinner before the show-it was awesome! I also enjoyed having my family here for Friday night's show. We also went to the Gila Valley Temple open house this morning. It is SOOOO beautiful! Very small temple, but I loved every part of it! I'm sad that I won't be able to be in Arizona when they do the dedication in a couple of weeks. Will be wonderful I'm sure. Here's some pics of this weekend and the temple and such! Gila Valley, AZ Temple!
Me and Dallas
Isn't it so GORGEOUS?!Me, Leisel, and Luiz!
Me and Tanner are the coolest redheads EVER!Me, Crystal and Jessica
Me and Aaron!
I won't ever forget this weekend. It's been incredible. I love all my friends and above all, I love the music we have shared together. It's helped me more than anything!

I can't believe how fast time is going. 13 Days til Graduation. 14 Until I move away. I'm nearly done with all my projects/english paper. Did I get any of it done today? No. Which means my Monday will be busy since I don't do homework on Sundays. Oh well. I had to play a little this weekend:) Anyway, I'm to the point that I will be starting to pack more, along with studying for finals, etc. I'm so ridiculously busy, I'll be glad when even finals week hits because then I just have to study and pack that week. I'm still in search of a job in Farmington. Have I had time to look anymore recently? No. I did get 5 applications in last weekend and have yet to make some phone calls. Happy day! Wish me luck!

Well, it's late on a Saturday night and I've had a long day! And there's your quick update until next time! I hope all is well with everyone! Thanks for all your support to me! TTFN!


  1. Sounds like an awesome set of concerts, Rachelle! Congratulations on that. It's hard to believe that you only have 2 weeks left. Hang in and finish with a BANG! :)

  2. Are you SURE you want to leave EAC? I'm going to miss those terrific concerts every year - come on! Just stay one more year...........NOT! Onto BYU-I it is! Love ya!


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